
Community Service Program
Christian education is by its very nature holistic, in that it cares for the totality of a student’s development. Mind, spirit, and soul are all the priorities of a Christ-centered educational experience. It is the goal of Westfair Christian Academy to provide these areas of development with the proper curricular offerings and to integrate the lordship of Christ in all areas, including service. If that is done, we can lay down a strong foundation for life.
Service is an opportunity to discover something about yourself. It is allowing you to offer your time and talents as a gift to others and to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Westfair Christian Academy requires 30 hours of service annually.
*Up to 20 hours can be collected over the summer for the following school year.
This must be done each year to graduate from WCA. This program is designed to expand your horizons in ministries that are not school-sponsored and to help you achieve your full, God-given potential. We pray that you will look back on these experiences and realize the importance of living out your faith in a challenging and demanding world.
You are our hope for the future!
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Fulfilling PIP Hours
The purpose of the Parent Involvement Program (PIP) is to encourage active involvement in each student’s education at all levels. Active parental involvement increases a student’s success at school, encourages communication between WCA teachers and parents, and provides fellowship with other WCA families.
Each family is responsible for 25 hours per year for the Parent Involvement Program.
Work directly related to classroom activities, school office work, cleaning and maintenance, purchasing or making refreshments, chaperoning field trips, working concessions, attending PTF meetings, before school duty, lunch room duty, volunteering at the Annual Italian Buffet, kitchen help and many other activities may be accumulated for PIP hours. If both parents attend a qualified meeting or work to provide a service to WCA, both parents are eligible for the time donated. Questions about earning PIP hour credits should be directed to the school office.
Parents will record PIP hours on a PIP Form and turn them into the school office. All PIP Forms should be signed by a staff member and will be kept in a binder. Updates will be given quarterly.
There is a giving tree in the foyer of the school with items that are needed in the classrooms. Items purchased off the giving tree do qualify for PIP hours. For every $5 spent, you will be credited 1 PIP hour. Please note that payment for extracurricular activities, items of clothing and/or supplies that are purchased for the sole benefit of your student do not qualify for PIP hours.
At the end of the school year, the PIP records are reviewed and parents are billed at the rate of $5 per hour for unfulfilled PIP hours.
PIP contributions are not tax deductible. Final report cards will not be released if PIP hours are not fulfilled by the end of the school year.
(See above for downloadable forms.)